Friday, April 27, 2012

Spare Ribs

1 cup ketchup
1 c tomato sauce
4 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp vinegar
3 tbsp mustard (I used dry)
1/2 c barbeeque sauce
3 tbsp tomato paste
1 tsp liquid smoke
1 onion (sliced thinly and then cut circles in half)
6 large or 12 small spare ribs

Get your crockpot good and hot, salt and pepper the ribs and brown them in the crock pot.  Mix the rest of the ingredients and pour over the ribs.  Cook a minimum of 2 hours or longer.  The longer your cook them the more tender the meat becomes.  Serve over rice.

PS:  I skip the browning process and just throw everything in on low all day and it still turns out amazing.